in the name of allah, the beneficent, the merciful

sura al-baqarah
(the cow)

n0. 2 (286 verses)

contents of the sura :


this sura contains 286 verses, rendering it the longest sura in the
holy qur'an. it is indisputable that this sura was not revealed all at
once, but partially and in increments as necessitated by the various
islamic social circumstances and conditions found at different times in
medina. but, the fact is that the inclusiveness of this sura from the
point of islamic doctrine in faith and many practical issues (social,
political, economical, and religious) is not deniable, for, there are
various subjects discussed in it,including the followings:

1. there are some discussions about monotheism and gaining
knowledge of allah, especially by way of studying the mysteries of

2. there are many statements about the resurrection and life
after death with a few tangible examples, like the story of abraham
(a.s.) and how the birds became restored to life, and the story of ezra.

3. there are some facts about the inimitability of the qur'an and
the significance of this heavenly book.

4. there are long discussions and explanations concerning the
jews and hypocrites and their peculiar positions against islam and the
qur'an, evidenced by their various mischievous hindrances against

5. there are some narrations about the history of the great
prophets, including abraham (a.s.) and moses (a.s.) in particular.

6. there are some passages that contain a few islamic rules
related to varying subjects, such as : prayers, fasting, holy war on the
path of allah, the pilgrimage to mecca, the change of the qiblah (the
direction of prayer) from jerusalem to mecca, marriage and divorce,
commerce, debt, and a great many of the ordinances concerning usury.
donation for the sake of allah, is abundantly discussed. the problem
of retaliation, the banning of different kinds of forbidden meat, and
also gambling and wine drinking are discussed, in addition to a few
other ordinances related to the subjects of writing wills, testaments, and
the like.

the appellation ` al-baqarah ' (the cow), the title of this sura, is
taken from the story of the israelites' cow, mentioned in verses 67 to
73 of this sura, whose description will be explained later in this very
commentary (on pages 208 to 213).

the virtue of studying this sura :

there are some significant traditions and narrations on the virtue
of studying this sura, cited in islamic literature, including the

the late tabarsi has so cited in majma`-ul-bayan that once the
prophet (p.b.u.h.) was asked : " which sura of the qur'an is the best ? "
he (p.b.u.h.) answered : " al-baqarah ". they asked : " which verse of
the sura (is the best) ? "
he replied : " 'ayat-ul-kursi, the ` verse of the
throne ', (verse 255)"

the superiority of this holy sura is, apparently, due to its
comprehensiveness, and the preference of the ` verse of the throne '
(verse 255) is because of its special monotheistic content, which will be
dealt with later in this commentary.

it is not contrary to the fact that some other suras of the qur'an
are considered superior in other aspects. all the suras of the qur'an
have been considered from different points of view.

again, it is narrated by ali-ibn-il-husayn (a.s.) that the prophet
(p.b.u.h.) said :" he who recites the first four verses of sura al-baqarah,
the `verse of throne' (verse 255) with its next two verses (256,257) together
with the last three verses of the sura, will not meet any trouble in himself,
in his family members, and in his wealth;and satan will not approach him,
and he (having paid attention to the qur'an in his life) will not forget the

also, ` ubayy-ibn-i-ka`b quotes from the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.)
thus : " he who recites this sura (al-baqarah) will be encompassed by the
bounties of allah and his mercy; and he will reward him as much as that
of a person who has fought fearlessly on the path of allah for one year"
. 3
then, the messenger of allah (p.b.u.h.) added that muslims should
study this sura, know it, and do it accordingly in order to be benefited
by the mercy of allah in this world and the next.

imam ja`far sadiq (a.s.) is narrated to have said : " he who recites
al-baqarah and 'al-i-`imran, these two suras will come above his head on
the day of judgement like two clouds similar to two umbrellas, (and will
protect him from the heat of that day) "
. 4

here, it is necessary to mention the important fact that those
rewards, virtues and significant compensations that have been cited for
studying the qur'an or some special suras and verses of the qur'an
never meant that one simply should be contented with the fact that one
has recited them as invocations.

on the contrary, the recitation of the qur'an is for understanding,
and understanding is for contemplation, and contemplation is for

as a matter of fact, every virtue, which is mentioned for a sura or
a verse, corresponds very much with the contents of that sura or verse.
for example, among the virtues of reciting sura an-nur, no. 24, we see
that it says that allah may protect the person and his children from
committing adultery and slander when he perseveres in studying it.

this consequence is because the contents of sura an-nur
contains some important instructions on resisting sexual deviations; i.e.
the instructions advising single persons to hasten to marriage; the
instructions about ` cover ' (hijab);the instructions about refraining from
ogling and desirous looks; the instruction that forbids spreading any
rumours and accusations about others; and, finally, the instruction on
executing the punishment for fornication and adultery upon any
perpetrators : be they men or women.

it is obvious that when the content of this sura be observed by the
members of a society or a family, the iniquity of adultery will not appear
therein. it is the same concerning the verses of sura al-baqarah,
mentioned above. they are all related to the subject of monotheism,
belief in 'q`ayb ' (the invisible), knowing allah, and resisting evil
temptations. so, if a person recites them and observes the instructions
in them carefully and from the depths of his soul, he will certainly
obtain those virtues.

it is certainly true, however, that the recitation of the qur'an
deserves rewards, but, besides the original and essential rewards given
by allah, its effects on personal behavior will exist only when this
recitation is a premise for contemplation and action.

1 - nur-uth-thaqalayn, vol. 1, p. 26; & majma`-ul-bayan, vol. 1, p. 32 2 - thawab-ul-a`mal(according to the citation of nur-uth-thaqalayn vol. 1,p.36).
3 - manhaj-us-sadiqin, vol. 1, p. 120; & majma`-ul-bayan, vol. 1, p. 32
4 - al-burhan fi tafsir-il-qur'an, vol. 1, p. 52